People suffering from psoriasis often feel embarrassed, conscious and get bullied due to their skin’s appearance. It is a chronic autoimmune disease caused due to excess buildup of skin cells. This happens when our body’s defense mechanism mistakenly thinks our skin cells with foreign particles.

Red, scaly, itchy patches and elevated skin are some of the common

symptoms observed in people suffering from psoriasis. Apart from the skin, psoriasis can also affect joints and nails.

It can be triggered by many environment factors, diabetes, viral or bacterial infection, uncontrolled stress, smoking, certain medicines, and obesity.

Even though there is no complete cure available for psoriasis, its symptoms can be reduced to a maximum extent by simple home remedies.

Honey, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, turmeric are some of the ingredients you can try to reduce psoriasis. But in this article, we will know about coconut oil for psoriasis in detail. 
Healthy Benefits of Coconut Oil for Psoriasis  

Coconut oil contains fatty acids which improve communication between the cells and improve cell wall durability.
Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the inflammation caused by psoriasis.
Kinetin present in coconut oil is a powerful antioxidant which reduces the damage from free radicals.
Its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties deal with microbial activity.
Vitamin E and K present in it will regain and lock the moisture in the skin cell.
It soothes the skin and removes the flakes.
Consuming coconut oil increases body’s resistance power against virus and bacteria.
It helps in controlling diabetes, metabolism issues, cholesterol levels and abdominal fat.
How to Use Coconut Oil for Psoriasis?   

There are many ways of using coconut oil to treat psoriasis. We have listed them in detail below. Choose any method as per your convenience to reduce the symptoms of psoriasis.

Coconut oil is completely safe to use for psoriasis on feet, hands, legs, nails, genitals, scalp and plague psoriasis, penile psoriasis and pustular psoriasis. Not only adults, application of coconut oil can also be used to use psoriasis in babies and kids. 

1) Coconut Oil  

Include 2 Р4 tablespoons of coconut oil in your daily diet. You can incorporate it by consuming directly, adding it juices, and saut̩ing veggies or can be used as an alternative for butter.
Apply a small amount of coconut oil 3 times a day on psoriasis affected areas. Leave it to dry completely.
2) Coconut Oil with Beeswax and Honey  

Process 1:

Honey reduces the inflammation and locks moisture in skin cells.
Mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of honey.
Whisk well until the ingredient mix well.
Apply the mixture on psoriasis affected areas.
Rinse off with water after 20 minutes.
Repeat daily.
Process 2:

The anti-inflammatory properties of beeswax reduce the inflammation. 

In a bowl, mix enough amounts of coconut oil, beeswax (melted) and honey.
Stir well and apply it gently on psoriasis affected areas.
Let it rest for few minutes and rinse it off with water.
Repeat regularly.
3) Coconut Oil with Apple Cider Vinegar  

Apple cider vinegar balances the pH level and reduces the inflammation.  

Combine 2 parts of coconut oil and 1 part of apple cider vinegar.
Mix well and apply it on the psoriasis affected areas.
Leave the mask for 20 to 30 minutes.
Rinse and pat dry.
Repeat 2 times a day.
For extra benefits, you can also add 2 parts of honey into it.
4) Turmeric with Coconut Oil  

Combine 1/2 teaspoon turmeric with 1 tablespoon coconut oil.
Apply the mixture on affected areas.
Rinse off with water after 2 hours.
Repeat daily.
5) Psoriasis Cream with Coconut Oil

Using a double boiler, melt down 1 ounce each of beeswax pellets and coconut oil.
Once the ingredients meltdown, remove from the flame.
Pour the mixture into a container and let it cool down to solidify.
Scoop out enough mixture and apply on psoriasis affected areas.
Repeat the application several times a day.
6) Coconut Oil with Camphor 

Combine 1 cup of cold compresses coconut oil and a pinch of camphor.
Stir well and apply the mixture on psoriasis affected areas.
Massage gently for at least half an hour.
Take a lukewarm shower and pat dry.
7) Coconut Oil with Neem  

Process 1:  

Neem is known to treat any kind of skin disease which includes psoriasis as well. It contains antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties. 

Burn some neem bark and neem seeds until they turn into ashes.
Mix the ashes with enough coconut oil to make a cream.
Apply the cream on psoriasis affected areas.
Leave it on for few minutes and rinse off with water.
Repeat regularly.
Process 2: with Leaves  

Grind a handful of neem leaves into a smooth paste.
Add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil into it and mix well.
Apply it on the affected areas and leave it on for 20 minutes.
Rinse off with water and pat dry.
Repeat daily.
8) Coconut Oil with Avocado Oil and Lavender Oil  

Mix enough amounts of coconut oil, lavender oil and avocado oil.
Using a cotton ball, apply the solution on psoriasis affected areas.
Leave it on for few minutes and rinse off with water.
Repeat the process regularly.
9) Coconut oil with Tea Tree Oil for Scalp Psoriasis  

Tea tree oil reduces itching, inflammation and burning sensation.
Combine 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil and 5 to 10 drops of tea tree oil.
Massage the mixture on scalp and leave it on overnight.
Rinse off using a mild shampoo.
Repeat the process daily.
10) Coconut Oil with Aloe Vera

Aloe vera moisturizes the skin and reduces the inflammation, swelling and flaking.
Combine 1 teaspoon each of lukewarm coconut oil and freshly extracted aloe vera.
Mix well and apply it on psoriasis affected areas.
Gently massage the mixture in circular motion for 20 minutes.
Leave it overnight or rinse off with water after 20 minutes.
Repeat the process daily.
For extra benefits, you can add few drops each of lavender, rose and peppermint oil.
Or you can also add vitamin E oil to the mixture.
11) Coconut Oil with Lavender Oil and Frankincense Oil

Combine 1 teaspoon coconut oil, 3 drops each of lavender oil and frankincense oil.
Rub the mixture on the psoriasis affected areas.
Leave it to dry completely.
Repeat regularly.
Alternatively, you can use Melrose essential oil instead of frankincense oil.
Coconut Oil for Psoriatic Arthritis  

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic inflammation of psoriasis. People suffering from psoriasis can develop psoriatic arthritis. Being anti-inflammatory, coconut oil can be used to treat it. Consume few tablespoons of coconut oil daily either through food or directly. You can also take coconut oil supplements as well.
Coconut Oil Soap for Psoriasis 

Make soap by using the following process. Use this soap instead of soaps made with harsh chemicals.
Take few cubes of Melt and Pour Soap Base.
Using a double boiler, melt them down.
Once melted, remove from the flame.
Add enough amounts of coconut oil and stir well.
Pour into moulds and set them aside to solidify.
Once they are set, remove from the moulds.
For extra benefits, add any essential oil of your choice.
Tips and Precautions: 

Always use raw, virgin and cold compresses coconut oil.
Avoid coconut oil if you are allergic to it.
Patch test before trying regular treatments.
Avoid soaps, shampoos and lotions that contain harsh chemicals like lauryl sulfate and paraben.
Avoid scratching psoriasis affected areas as it can worsen it.
Reduce red meat, pork and poultry.
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Eat a nutritional diet and exercise regularly to strengthen your immune system.
Instead of chemical based moisturizers, use coconut oil, shea butter or cocoa butter to moisturize your skin.
Take vitamin D and omega 3 supplements.
Are you going to try coconut oil to treat psoriasis? Share your experience, suggestions and queries in the comments section below. (SOURCE: 107 EVERYDAY USE OF COCONUT OIL)

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